Tuesday 5 November 2013

Vauxhall Bridge, Great Yarmouth - Wonder Wandering

In other contexts I have written about how the town of Great Yarmouth is unfairly dismissed by people who often haven't taken the time to explore its many facets - or, indeed, haven't actually been there in person at all! See for instance, my article, 'Silver from the Sea'. It is my firmly held opinion that the town has much to offer - not least, photographically. Thus, when I visited a few weeks ago I found some wonder as I wandered in the form of a partly painted mid-Victorian bridge. The story of the Vauxhall Bridge is lovingly portrayed in this short animated film made by Matthew Harrison and local Yarmouth children...

Isn't that great! 

I too was inspired by the bridge and here are some of my photographs. These are HDR photos (High Definition Resolution), made by overlaying three separate shots taken at different exposures. I hope you like them...

Please click on images in order to enlarge

For some historic images of the Vauxhall Bridge please click on the following link: 

~ Colin Howey ~ 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin
    Love the photos. And thanks for letting people know about the Carry on Bridge Film . There is more info. about the Vauxhall Links Project it was part of here:
